Anyone ever tried putting a polaris powervalve system on a yamaha engine. The cables are nice, and I haven't had one issue with them (yet) but I like the polaris systems and skidoo systems. i think it would be nice to delete the cables and run a powervalve system like the other two brands use.
New member
Are you talking about the exhaust actuated valves, such as RAVE valves?
Yes i am.
Yes i am.
those systems are operated by exh gas pressure in which theres a hole from inside the cylinder just above the exhaust port that goes up into the bellow section of the valve, your yamaha does not have this hole and passage in the cylinder....
New member
I've heard these don't work as well. Everything I've read says the power valve system is the far superior system
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've heard these don't work as well. Everything I've read says the power valve system is the far superior system
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The Rotax work quite well and require PM just like the YPVS but without cables, servo and the electronics that go with. Can't speak to the Pol or AC.