I'm getting a bad vibe.

Hammer Down

Apr 13, 2013
Put a new 3/4" track on with 192 chisels. I'm getting a vibration at 60 mph that goes away about 65mph. I've had it going about 90 and only vibrates at 60ish. I've got anti ratchet drivers. Anyone ever get this. I replaced speedo bearing and 4 bearings and wheels also. Also installed new hyfax. 800 cc with pro action skid. It is annoying.
I checked the belt and it looked good. I swapped another one in and still have vibration. I think it may be the track. It only happens at wide open throttle. If I do a 3/4 throttle run it's not there. It also seems to lessen or go away if I lean forward on acceleration. Any opinions?
What make of drivers do you have? Are they the kimpex style you add next to the stock ones and are you shure they are not rubbing on the first cross axle on the skidframe.
They were on the sled when I purchased it. They do not look stock at all. The axle is round, not hexagonal like stock. There are no outer drivers like the stock axle.
there was a post on the srx forum i believe same problem on a viper when new track was installed. jdviper posted it. 3:16 (yammie tony)
