Meductic Snowmobile Drags


Oct 12, 2009
new brunswick
Today we are trucking the old vmax4st up to meductic drag races in New Brunswick. It is a snow race with some fresh stuff on the ground. We raced last weekend on hard pack an the sled was competative in the stock class. Hoping to get a few wins but racing in snow is tricky. Etec800s are hard to beat. they took us down last weekend. See if i can get some videos of this old iron today.


I'm taking my SRX 700 out for drags this morning on snow and I'm leaving the Vmax 4 MM 800 home it don't cut it in snow it can't even hang with these newer 600's let alone 800's

Good Luck!
I'm using 8bu10 with a 54 42 helix. Blue bender spring. I have another set up as well with 8BU00 but I need more testing to know that it is faster for sure. Our sled is a 136 and I have the gearing drop down to 20/37
I'm running 8bu00 with 4.5 inner and 3.6 outer hole with a Max White and one shim, 50/44 with silver @80, stock gearing 22/39, 1.5 136 track

Still no match for these new 600's
Put a thick base gasket .039, shave the heads and use a single layer head gasket. That will wake it up some.

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That helps for sure lol. Traction is a big issue . Really hard to predict. The airstrip race was hard pack with ice and studs were key. But meductic was loose the grass so a bigger track would have helped no doubt.
