98 Srx 700 Losing power


New member
Jan 16, 2013
Went for a ride last wed. finally got some snow here in nepa, I noticed when climbing hills at wot it was cutting out, almost like it wasnt going to make it , seemed to run great on flat, happened twice. Any ideas?
Not sure if the 98's had the main jet cups that clip on but I'd pull your carbs and make sure that they're all clipped on where they should be, could be cockeyed or disconnected completely. Just a thought...
Where you in deep snow ? Could be the snow was restricting the exhaust flow and will cause a rich condition and bog, worse when turning right.
Rode yesterday same thing yes I was in deeper snow, seems to be a fuel issue I have plenty of room below my cans on the exhaust.Changed plugs to see if that helped but didn't.
is there supposed to be some sort of lid on the airbox or maybe a seal?The more I looked I see that im missing screens on the 2 biggest holes in the middle of the hood like 3 inch holes, and the mounting brackets are snapped off.
is there supposed to be some sort of lid on the airbox or maybe a seal?The more I looked I see that im missing screens on the 2 biggest holes in the middle of the hood like 3 inch holes, and the mounting brackets are snapped off.

Should be a foam filter piece over the top of airbox. In factory trim cables run over top of air box then top foam cover goes over top of them. With out this foam and no screens I suspect your sled is ingesting snow as well as pipes getting WAY COOLED by massive amount of snow not stopped by screens. Maybe a pic of your airbox?
Does anyone have these screens I could buy I believe there are supposed to be cowls there too
Post up some pics of the areas that you think parts are missing and brackets snapped so we can see what you are dealing with.

Also, it may be a good idea to doublecheck the carb condition if you haven't recently. Besides the main jet cup noted above, also check the float height, and have the carbs been cleaned this season?
My srx hates powder over the hood, it bogs pretty much everytime.

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