No punch on 03 Viper


New member
Dec 9, 2013
I have a 2003 Viper and have noticed that the sled doesn't seem to have the power it should. I can get it going 90+ mph, but the take off is a little slow. I'm new to sledding so i don't know where I should begin.
Check compression. Did you just get the sled or have it for a while? Need to know RPM's Has the carbs been serviced. Power valves cleaned? Need to know more info.
I bought sled this year. Previous owner cleaned carbs before i bought it.
Replaced all 3 plugs... didn't seem to help.
Sled starts moving between 4000 and 4500 rpm. 8500 wide open.
Compression within specs (one on the high side).
I have not checked power valves yet. That was going to be my next check. I did notice that on top of one of the power valves, there is a black buildup...On top of the cover. Its the one right next to the exhaust. Not sure if that from the heat, or something else.

I've put about 200 miles on it. I always expected more power on take off. I had a friend jump on it and he stated that it didn't have the pickup like his Viper.
Spend some time searching this will find your answers. Go through EVERYTHING on the sled. Assume nothing. Definitely clean the power valves...and check for adjustment. Pull reeds and check them over.
alll viper are different, but it does seem that you are engaging normal and you peak rpm is perfect. so really no loss of power. Maybe you should look into clutching it, dont by a clutch kit but just search the forum on here and figure out a good set up for the viper. I have the heel clickers and they work okay pretty good. Many many options just ask around
How is your drive belt? Is it within specs? Where is it sitting in the secondary clutch (big one).
I suppose it could over-rev. I was thinking that could be the reason the sled is feeling "doggy" in the low end. Like starting out in 2nd gear. He says he's taching out at 8500 rpm's but we have no idea what he's got in the clutches as far as weights, springs, wrap. Clutch 'should' engage at 3900-4000 rpm's but he's saying 4-4500.
Even with a 47* helix the sled should be fairly snappy, I remember mine was. Just a little snappier now with the helix and weight change.
So many variables to this. Like was stated, we need more info.
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true with the belt height. Check to see how it is riding on the secondary. If the ribs are below the top of the clutch see if you have the washers in on the back side. Also is it a Yamaha belt? If the belt is low you can add washers to bring it back up. Not a fix for a warn belt. At that engagement it does sound like there might be something in that clutch via springs weights etc. Best to let us know what you have in there before anyone can advise as to where to go with it.
