Burnt down the mag side on my 01


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
Burnt down the mag side on my 01.......... pics added

Well I just finished tearing down the engine from my 01 SRX and found what looks like a sever lean out of the mag side cylinder.I took pics but the phone I used won't let me load them onto my computer so I'll use my camera tomorrow.Anyway I looked at all the usual things,carb boot,crank seal and other related gaskets but I don't see anything out of the ordinary.I did drain the carbs but have yet to take them apart so I haven't ruled that out yet.As I feared the engine has Weisco pistons in it,they were there when I bought it,and I though that when the sled quit yesterday that maybe it was a cold seize but from the amount of melting of the piston I'm leaning towards sucking air or lack of fuel.I figured I'd clean up the cylinder and put new pistons in there and be good to go,not so.The connecting rod is bent,so now I'm on the hunt for a crank too.

Disappointing doesn't begin to describe they way my weekend has gone.I broke the digitizer face on my smart phone again for the second time and then this happens.My luck's gotta turn around at some point surely.
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I'm sorry about that, that really sucks. I hope you can get what you need for a good price and get back on the trails.
Got some pics of the piston for your opinions.I have been flipping back and forth on the cause,at first I was thinking it was a bad crank seal letting in extra air but it looks good and the carb boot is good.I had to gouge out the area around the circlip to get the pin out.


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as mrviper and super1c said cold seize.I have yet to see a lean burn piston bend a rod. not that it cant happen.I have read several posts on wisco piston cold seize dont recall any where they bent rod.last year lost a piston on our viper drove 4 hours back to cottage piston was melted below ring of course jug was junk no surprise.put new piston and ring.put over 400 hard miles on so far so good[yamaha piston and ring]
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I know all about the Weisco warm up deal and I thought that I had given it time enough to come back up to temperature.We had only stopped for about 15 minutes on our way back to the truck and I really didn't think the engine had cooled off THAT much,besides this didn't even happen til we had already rode about a mile and a half at about 25 to 30mph.I've got a spare Weisco piston to put back in there for the rest of the season but come next fall those damned things will be coming out for oem units.I have had nothing but bad luck with Weisco pistons.
I know all about the Weisco warm up deal and I thought that I had given it time enough to come back up to temperature.We had only stopped for about 15 minutes on our way back to the truck and I really didn't think the engine had cooled off THAT much,besides this didn't even happen til we had already rode about a mile and a half at about 25 to 30mph.I've got a spare Weisco piston to put back in there for the rest of the season but come next fall those damned things will be coming out for oem units.I have had nothing but bad luck with Weisco pistons.

the weisco piston need more clearance to run them ....we had only badluck with those piston in every motor we built
