Triple Bender Pipes help


New member
Feb 10, 2014
Labrador, Canada
I have a 04 Viper Mountain with triple bender pipes. I have noticed lately that after riding for most of the day I start losing some power and after letting it cool for awhile, the sled works top notch again. I checked the pipes and I am missing springs on almost all of them with one missing all the springs altogether. I am having a hard time locating springs to replace them, as I only have on yamaha shop nearby. Does anyone know the size of springs needed for the pipes, and how many, and if any other substitutions will work? Also should I use some copper compound to help seal the pipes further?
Copper compound or yamaha 6B should work. Which springs are you missing? Pipe to manifold or pipe to silencer? Pipe to manifold just buy some OEM springs. Pipe to silencer you should be able to buy at a hardware store. They are pretty short though, maybe an inch or so in length.
I am going to go with a copper compound I picked up good for high temperatures and used in exhausts, and I managed to order some springs, they are not kept in stock by any snowmobile dealers here, including all 4 major ones. Would the loose pipe be the cause of the bogging in my Viper? It only seems to happen after awhile of riding and when I go off trail and start some hill climbing or powder riding. I am assuming when it heats up and is moving around more in powder and on the hills it causes it to lose pressure in the exhaust. After awhile of cooling down it seems fine again, and it is almost always good on the trails.
just for reference ive gotten them short ones on the silencer from pioneer performance before. matched some up, ended upbeing a older polaris spring, not sure what for though. i just took one of mine and they matched them up with them ones they had in stock.
one my viper 02 with bender triple pipes I used pipe to muffler springs I had ordered for our 97 vmax.surprisingly they all but one are good and tight these are the ones from pipes to can.on manifolds to pipes I used oem manifold to pipe.put over 400 hard miles so far all still tight the one loose one does not bother me as they fit pretty well should add they also hold the short bends between pipe and muffler.
I am going to go with a copper compound I picked up good for high temperatures and used in exhausts, and I managed to order some springs, they are not kept in stock by any snowmobile dealers here, including all 4 major ones. Would the loose pipe be the cause of the bogging in my Viper? It only seems to happen after awhile of riding and when I go off trail and start some hill climbing or powder riding. I am assuming when it heats up and is moving around more in powder and on the hills it causes it to lose pressure in the exhaust. After awhile of cooling down it seems fine again, and it is almost always good on the trails.

The bog is coming from snow hitting the pipes, creating steam, and then the engine sucking it in. Colder pipes can also drag down your rpm's. Having leaks in your pipe, especially around where it meets the manifold can also lean out your mixture when it sucks in outside air.
