Strange rubbing noise when I let off gas.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Ive got a 2003 Viper with 3950 ish miles......When I let off the gas from throttle I'm noticing a noise almost like the belt or the secondary rubbing on the belt guard. ( I do know what normal belt whine sounds like)

I've noticed that sometimes when I stop fully my belt doesn't return to the full top of the secondary.

I just had a new track put in and the bearings replaced.

I think my secondary may not be closing fast when I let off the throttle and the belt is rubbing on the guard on the belly pan and the guard. Does this sound right to anyone? The noise stops almost immediately if I apply the brake.....

Any ideas how to fix or where I look
take off the secondary clutch off take it apart maybe a bad bushing or spring getting weak or just needs good cleaning probably really dirty if you have rode it like this for awhile
Thanks Ron,

I removing the secondary as easy as taking off the belt, setting the brake, and unscrewing it?

Brake cleaner to clean it? Blue loctite when I put it back on?


Yes on everything, although I apply the brake and remove the 14mm bolt holding it on, no loctite needed to re-install. Neither the belt or secondary sheaves should be rubbing on the clutch guard or the one below.
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check the shaft bearings 1 at top on jackshaft 1 on driveshaft look for signs of rust.both on clutch side other 2 bearings on shafts are in chaincase little harder to check.need to remove outer chaincase .bottom gearcase one usually ok as it is bathed in oil.not to say that is your problem but take a look.check a parts site for idea where they fjviper said belt will not or should not be hitting cover or belly pan if belt is proper one.good luck
New track.....Id double check the track tension. After it stretches a bit, its likely ballooning on deceleration and rubbing your heat exchange protectors.
As for the secondary not closing all the way, how far down would you say the belt is when this occurs ?
Hmmm, if you just had the track done I would look their. If it happens at higher speeds I would check the track tension, if it is on the loose side the track could be rubbing on the block of ice that has built up on the underside of the tunnel at the rear. When you let off the throttle is can baloon in that area.

When you say the belt does not go up on the secondary all the way sometimes what are you seeing ? 1.5MM above the sheave is max to .5mm below is the range. If you stop quickly it will not have enough rotation to reach the normal resting point on the secondary.

Or it could simply be chain case noise, after the track swap they probaly tighened the chain tension a little more than what you had and that can create a whining noise. usally it is more on braking though.

Good luck

Usally the bushing in the clutch componets are good to 6-7,000 miles, unless road salt or moisture is a problem on this sled.
Thanks for all the pointers guys.

I'd say the belt when it does hang up is a good two inches below the top of the secondary. I'll check the track tension as well. Lots of good ideas here.

Thanks again.
2" ?!?!? Holy crap! Haha id def check secondary spring and any other secondary wear-out parts(bushings,etc.). Is the primary opening all the way when you notice the belt down low in the secondary?
Snow xr said it.
Something is binding, take the 3 nuts off the helix and remove. Inspect the spring and see if something is binding.
Also check the primary.
Found it. I'm a moron. Something g popped a hole in the belly pan. A hunk of plastic was getting wacked by the primary at certain RPM. Could see it until I got underneath it. Mystery solved
