Head on collision


Feb 11, 2004
Channaho, Il.
First off. Everybody walked away. This guy meets me inthe apex of the corner in my lane. Not just a little in my lane, all of him inmy lane. He fricken DESTROYS my 97 SX. Moves the entire left suspension backabout 12 inches, moves my engine an inch and a half, broke my primary,bent thetunnel,broke the bulk head. While I am talking to the guy I have my buddy starttaking pictures of his ski marks, the sleds, all his buddies and his Drivers licenseand his registration. by the time I am done talking to this guy his buddieshave all the ski marks kicked around so you can’t see them. Good thing I havethose pictures before they wrecked the evidence. Now I have to wait to play theinsurance game.
Glad everybody ok. Sorry bout ur sled. Its to bad people cant maintain control. I dont do much riding in daytime because thats wat scares me most
That sucks! Glad your OK. I'm glad you got the pictures before his buddies erased them. Keep us posted.
I have only crossed paths with a few MORONS while riding. Grooming is a whole nother story. Some of my fellow groomers (ski-doo/polaris owners) seem to think its all Yamaha riders! It seems to me its more Polaris/artic cat riders that act like they have NEVER seen oncoming traffic and act like I shouldn't be running a groomer on the trail. SLAM on the binders and just freeze.....like I have a boat load of options going around them........ My closest call (and I mean CLOSE, was bracing for impact) was with a near new Polaris 800 PRO R. I was going into a left hand down hill curve in the Pisten Bully he came around the corner up hill in the wrong lane MOVING.....easily 60 MPH!. He hung a left (remember he is coming into up hill RIGHT hander) up the snow bank that blends into the hillside and LAUNCHED 25-30ft into the air and flew easily 200ft. Landed and bbbrrrrappppp....Just rode away!
Damn that sucks when someone rides like an idiot and then tries to hide the evidence of his stupidity. Glad you got pics for proof. Good luck with the insurance.
