So I have gone thru the carbs and cleaned them. The sled idles great at half chock but once choke is off the rpms raise up to 4000 and then drop back and stall out. Any ideas what could be wrong. Also should let you know that I have only put 100 miles on in the last three years because I have a new sled. Thinking maybe it will run better when some new gas has gone thru the system.
New member
Drain old gas before you even think about starting it again. Make sure your carb boots are seated good. Pilot jets on the these sleds need to be REALLY clean along with all passages.
The tank was drained. I put in a few gallons and rode it in a nearby field for maybe three miles. I will check my carb boots.
The tank was drained. I put in a few gallons and rode it in a nearby field for maybe three miles. I will check my carb boots.
As FJV mentioned, one or more of your pilot jets aren't delivering fuel or you have a large air leak. I'd guess the pilots.