I need to know the proper placement of power valve cables on the servo. Any easy way to explain this?
New member
Ill pull the cover off mine tomorrow if nobody gets to it before me.
New member
Cylinders go 3-2-1 starting from left. Cable 3 screws in the bottom spot, 2 middle and 1 top. They wrap counter clockwise around the servo, 1 and 2 go in the first slot and 3 goes in the by itself in the further notch. cable 1 goes in groove closest to the wall of the servo, then cable 3 goes in the middle groove and cable 2 goes in the outer groove.
Hope this is clear enough
Hope this is clear enough
I think it makes sense. Thanks!
I think it makes sense. Thanks!
For anyone still needing to know this it is in the Tech Pages.