Looking to replace my viper. Seen one advertised with 1500 km's. What i want to know is there anything you should look for in a sled that has sat so much. Is there anything that will deteriorate from not being used. Thanks for any info.
New member
Just bad storage can lead to crank bearing failure. Make sure it was stored properly. Other than that if you buy it make sure you get all that gas out and put fresh stuff in. Clean carbs meticulously.
Active member
crank seals may cause problems latter on if it was not stored right, anything rubber will by dry.
If it was stored with out relieving the track tension I'd be suspect of the driveshaft/speedo bearing.
Thanks for info. guys. Think i'll look for something that's been used a bit more.
Thanks for info. guys. Think i'll look for something that's been used a bit more.
Didn't mean to scare you away from it. Given it's age alone you'd be wise to expect to replace the driveshaft bearings regardless of how it was stored.
New member
Didn't mean to scare you away from it. Given it's age alone you'd be wise to expect to replace the driveshaft bearings regardless of how it was stored.
I agree, nothing wrong with a low mileage sled as long as it was cared for.