Exciter 440


New member
Feb 5, 2014
Hello first time posting on this site. I have a 79 Exciter 440 that I'm looking to make faster. I ride with a couple other guys with same sled and looking to get more of an edge for the biggest reward, bragging rights. I have searched through alot of older postings and it looks like the best improvements are in clutching. I put on a 102 Comet with silver and black spring and installed red Polaris spring in secondary which made good improvements. I'm looking at Aaen perf. for pipe and porting unless I get a better suggestion. And if I do that I'm going to install the 69.50mm pistons to up my displacement and install Boyseen power reeds. I don't want to machine case to install Phazer jugs. I also want to stick with single pipe and carb. We ride on a river with a lot of turns, so I need the good throttle response. Thanks, Jamie
PM this guy for clutching. He will probably chime in anyway. Knows his schnitt on these early Yammies.


Also, Before you start making a bunch of changes to anything make sure everything else is in top notch shape and properly adjusted. (skid, track, slides, wheels, skis, drive bearings, clutches, etc.

Rolling resistance one of the biggest factors for speed on any sled but is much more important on lower HP sleds. I've seen guys spend bunches of $ trying to go fast only to get beat by a stock, tuned, dialed and free rolling sled.

Start there and the rest will make a difference. Also the Phaser hybrid deal is probably the lest expensive way to get "real" trail friendly hp out of the EX440.

