Where does one post a question not about Yamaha if the only people he trusts is on this forum?

Super Moderator
Good question. There are a lot of members that do own sleds other then yamaha and you are right, i wouldnt trust anyone else but ty. Post in the ty lounge for now as ive seen lots of "other brand posts" in the lounge. Not sure of the response you will get as far as help cause im not sure of the knowledge level of other brand sleds. But im sure for the most part guys will help out as they can.
I second the "Lounge"
ask see what you get...........
I think were here to help no matter what.........
You can ask here, but there are good people at sites for other brands too. Any particular brand and model, or are you asking in general? Depending on which models, I might be able to direct you to certain users on other sites.
Posted in the lounge.

We could start a poll and see if we should have a secitons called " Off Brand Questions" This would be a help only section.
New member
I think that's a good idea.
New member
Sounds good to me. We all can't have number 1 sleds :P
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
bADa$$ SRX
New member
We could start a poll and see if we should have a secitons called " Off Brand Questions" This would be a help only section.
Sounds like a good idea to me, I think theres a lot of knowledge among the people here about other brands
Plus we might be riding with buddies with an off brand. And if they aren't smart enough to ride a Yamaha then they prolly can't use the intewebz!