Needle and Seat o-rings?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Seacoast NH
Has anyone used o-rings other than the Yamaha ones on the seats? If so, what size are they.
posted this a few times, i will add it again.

7mm id 1.5mm thick. fits all yamaha carbs, twin, triple and vmax 4's from like 93 up, including the carbed 4 strokes.

seems to be no difference in lasting quality between the ones i use and oems. the better aftermarkets last about 2-3 seasons, as do the oems with todays fuel.
well there you go, someone actually measured them. I always simply match them up. Excellent work !!!
Thanks Snowdad! I knew I'd had seen your specs before but couldn't find it in a search. Thanks Ding and Tony for the input!

Ride safe
Would any other size work? I have 6 and 7mm x 2mm thick
try and see. the 2mm ones i tried rolled off the seat as they were too fat to fit. you can get a metric o-ring set at most major auto parts places for under $15 that would have at least 10 of the correct size.

too much hassle going in and out of those carbs in my opinion to find out you put the wrong size in, but its your time and money. i just keep the correct size on hand and take solace in knowing the jobs done right the first time.
As long as they don't get pinched or rolled when installing. Apply some engine oil to them and give it a try.

I'd tend to agree with snowdad though given they're availability.
