engine reving at 4500 rpms and wont idle down


Dec 10, 2009
Iron Mountain Michigan
Hey guys I bleed blue but my father does not this is a non yamaha related question my father is die hard polaris and were having some issues with his 00 xc 600 that he just got when you start it it will idle around 1500 like normal but once you take it for a ride and then stop id wont idle down past 4500 the primary had been fully rebuilt new rollers and weights pins and cleaned very well the carbs have been cleaned pilot jet main and starter are clear air screws are set at 1 and a half turns out i have not checked the needles believe they are in stock setting and the air boots have no cracks so theres no leaks powervalves are clean the machine is bone stock and i cant find any specs on the thing to go off of like you can on the yamahas on this site we sprayed some starting fluid at the crank seal to see if it would rev up and it did not effect the way the machine had ran at all im really stumped seems like a nice machine but cant get it dialed in people on here have helped me countless times with my problems for my machines hope some one know something about these thanks!
Try turning your air screws in to 1 turn out and see if it gets any better. Also, adjust your idle when it's warm.
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going out to try it right now do you know what the needle clip is supposed to be set at? cant find it any where the polaris dealers around her are more interested in selling 4 wheelers and side by sides and dont really even handle sleds anymore or want to work on them
If they are adjustable, should be 2nd clip position, May not be though. I think they went to adjustable needles in 2001 on some models. They had a lean spot in the midrange just like some other sleds. IF the sled just started acting up without any settings being changed you may want to make sure the pilot circuit is really clean (jets and passages) and get the air screw to 1 turn out. Polaris's I've worked on it was an air screw (airbox side of the carb slide).
Never seen that before. Is any of the tip visible in the carb bore? I would squirt some penetrating oil down in there hopefully loosen any corrosion. maybe you can a screwdriver tip in there and catch just enough to turn it out. They're only brass so pretty soft. If not maybe a very small drillbit and then an easy out. Just take your time.
the very tip of it is stuck in it and broke off like this size of pencil lead i squirted some wd 40 down it and im going to try and tap on it tmrw a little more its broke clean off i searched it on google found it happend to a couple of other people thats probably why the guy sold it so cheap lookin like a new carb on ebays the key!
Just drill the smallest hole you can in it and use a screw extractor or a cheapie torx bit

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