Tracking hard right on launch


New member
Nov 26, 2013
I've done a little bit of research on the site and haven't really found an answer.
The is sled is doing the same exact thing on every launch, pulls hard to the right and all I have for steering is my weight transferring off the side of the maching till the weight from the front of the sled begins to come down and allows me to steer back in line.
Don't get me wrong I like the feeling I get when this things pulls 😀 but there must be a way to get it going in a strait line.
Nothing seems broken or bent in the skid
Transfer rods look good and adjusted the same on both sides, maybe I have to adjust one side different then the other to compensate?
If any one has had this problem, and was able to fix it so they could have the sled track in a strait line please tell hook me up.

Could be a combination of a few things.

Do you have the 4th wheel installed at the rear ?

Bushings in the rear suspention could be worn allowing the skid to pivot under pressure, Btheviper has a great write up on how to tighten everyting up better than new. Also his suspention set-up helps save the W arm.
I do have the 4 th wheel at the back, is that good thing or bad? I'll have a look at bthevipers write up. Limiter strapps are adjusted pretty much even but I will defenetly have a closer look.
I would guess that you either have a broken part in the skid or a loose mounting bolt or plate.
Ya everything seems nice and tight with nothing broken, I will let the left strap out a little and see if it gets better. If things straiten out, I will continue to adjust till she pulls in a strait line
did u try does it work ???why let the left limiter strap out some would help ?? ?? the skid will come out more on left I though it would push more on right ??I do have the same effect ....would be nice to launch straight
Yep, I also pull right when I hook up hard on ice........I haven't tried any suspension changes to fix it yet
I haven't had a chance to try any changes yet, I will post when I do and let you guys no if anything of the tips have worked for me.
