New member
You guys give me an idea what to do to install a reverse from a regular viper, think 38/39T onto a Viper mountain? Know it needs a 40T. If you dont change the gears, what will happen? Be useless? Could i install that reverse by getting another top gear, or do i have to have the right bottom gear for the reverse?
Bottom gear has to be a reverse gear and match the chain you are using. HYVO came stock. You can use any size that fits the chain and top gear you are running. Of course you wan to stay close to a 2.0 ratio.
just rework the ratios to bring it close to the stock gearing. stock on yours i believe was 21/40. with the 8t drivers that puts you at about a 2.14:1 ratio.
consider 20/38(2.14:1)
you would need a 68 link chain vs the stock 70 link.
consider 20/38(2.14:1)
you would need a 68 link chain vs the stock 70 link.