WHAT THE F'IN HELL!!!!!!! I can't believe this.My sled seized up again last night and the last thing I figured I'd find was another cold seizure.The engine had been running for close to an hour so there's NO WAY it had cold anti freeze in it.No I didn't get a thermostat put in it,I'm still waiting for it to come but I figured as long as I let it warm up plenty I'd be ok til I got it.I just don't get it,is a thermostat THAT crucial for a trail sled?I still have Wiesco pistons in it,I just couldn't swing the new oem ones right now.I figured I could get the rest of the winter out of these things and do the swap next fall.
I'm at a loss here,somebody give me a reason for this to happen twice to the same exact piston/cylinder.Mag side.
I'm at a loss here,somebody give me a reason for this to happen twice to the same exact piston/cylinder.Mag side.
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Sorry to hear about your issues!
The way the SRXs and Vipers cooling system is designed you can't just remove the thermostat as it completely messes up the cooling system flow. If you do run without a thermostat you need to put a restrictor in the bypass line.
See this thread for more info:
The way the SRXs and Vipers cooling system is designed you can't just remove the thermostat as it completely messes up the cooling system flow. If you do run without a thermostat you need to put a restrictor in the bypass line.
See this thread for more info:
do u have a temp gauge ?? u would be surprise how cold it goes went u go from hard pack to snow ....it goes from hot to very cold in a second ........with wiseco im not surprise it cold seize .....
Well this sled won't be started again without a thermostat in that water rail.I've got enough spare parts to put it back together and running to get the rest of the season in.
New member
Get rid of those Wiesco's.
Yah, the Wisecos will expand much faster then the cylinders due to the material they are made of. If the cylinders cool off and shrink, and then you suddenly generate heat the Wisecos can seize.
New member
weiscos..... do yourself a favour and buy Yamaha pistons and say goodbye to weisco's forever!
weiscos..... do yourself a favour and buy Yamaha pistons and say goodbye to weisco's forever!
Or put a t-stat in it.
I had Wiseco's in my XCR and put close to 7k miles on them. It did not have a t-stat but it also didn't have aluminum bores which, looking back it probably played a role.
As mod suggested, my ECT gauge would drop 80-100 degrees "right now" when diving into powder after riding groomed trails. The delta was even more if I was riding a road. Even with a t-stat, your cylinders will see this cold coolant until the t-stat has a chance to react. In other words - the t-stat will start reducing the flow as it reacts to the rush of cold coolant so your cylinder doesn't see it for as long as it would without a t-stat. Without it, it just keeps flowing cold coolant long enough to shrink the cylinder.
Sorry FB for your pain -
I checked my XCR notes last night and found the 100 degree drop would occur during trail side stops (5-10 minute soak) parking in deep snow. As expected, upon restart the gauge would drop big time. Going from iced covered road to deep snow the temp would drop about 40-60 degrees F.
I do agree that given thier finickyness, you're better off using OEM in a trail application but in the mean time, I think installing a t-stat and long warm-ups after any stop will get you through the year.
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I have used Wiseco pistons in the past in certain applications and have not had any issues that I didn't cause myself...but in a stock bore Yamaha I would only use Yamaha pistons as they are as trouble free and reliable as it gets.
The only reason I would use another brand piston in a Yamaha engine would be when OEMs for that particular engine were no longer available.
The only reason I would use another brand piston in a Yamaha engine would be when OEMs for that particular engine were no longer available.
I agree, Wiseco makes a very high quality piston. I just wouldn't use it in your application because it will not tolerate rapid heat changes.
New member
snomofo, I agree, some people swear by them
When i first joined this forum back in the day, that's the first thing I learned about my SRX, USE YAMAHA PARTS only.... for this specific poster, having burned down at least twice now, and weisco being common to both burn downs, I know what Id eliminate
When i first joined this forum back in the day, that's the first thing I learned about my SRX, USE YAMAHA PARTS only.... for this specific poster, having burned down at least twice now, and weisco being common to both burn downs, I know what Id eliminate
I've got a t-stat coming but unfortunately the Weiscos are in for the duration of the winter,just don't have the coin to spend on 3 new pistons and rings at the moment.At best I'll likely only get about 2 more weekends of decent riding anyway,maybe 3 if I'm lucky.Besides I use my 98 for the majority of my riding anyway,it has the mono skid in it.My son usually rides the 01,he's younger and can handle the bumps better.

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Did that cylinder happen to be replated at one time. My Viper was getting some 4 corner scuffing. Had Don check it out and that cylinder had been replated and didn't have enough side wall clearance.
No idea on the replating,they are trail ported by Bender is all I know.
put the thermostat back in, that will end the problem.
Didn't have one to put in or it would already be in there,got one coming though hopefully have it by Friday.