Dead sleds


New member
Feb 5, 2011
Done a fair bit of riding this year and ya know of all the sleds out on the trails every dead sled i've seen was a ski doo. One weekend there was 6 and I don't mean old 90's models either like new/newer stuff 2009/2014. The best was watching a guy with an old phazer towing a new ski doo. There is something admirable about brand loyalty but come on. I guess with them being so light they are easier to tow. Advantage ski doo lol
funny story haha, back a couple years ago when i had my phazer we came came across a guy with a brand new like 2012 it was at the time skidoo etec, 500 miles on the thing and he burnt a piston, me and my brother pulled him back about 4 miles to the rode with his '88 arctic cat wildcat 650, no lie we were doing 75-80 across every field, i was WOT on the phazer and my brother on the cat was ahead of me pulling that hunk of plastic :sled1:
Interesting. I always said if I didn't have the Yamaha, Ski-Doo would be the next brand I'd visit. Maybe they are lacking in the quality department because they have the number one marketshare spot, so they have to slap em together quickly to keep up with demand. Although this new Polaris AXYS has me very interested.
Skidoo offering free warranty replacement for blown engines at 5000KM says it all. I know 2 guys who love to jam REV riding position down my throat..... so I asked him how that riding position was when I towed his *** over 20 kms....

"Did you get a nice upright look at the yamaha snow flap"???

nuff said :)
All the guys I ride with all ride Yamahas and a couple of them were once ski doo guys and now they would never go back and one huge reason was because they grew tired of fixing them. Now the trips get longer and everyone makes it home and nobody needs to repair anything before the next trip ya gotta love the dependability and durability of these yamaha sleds
I'm the only guy riding a 2 stroke in the group and my odometer is almost 24000 now and I ride this sled like it's rented and also I'm the oldest sled in the group never had to be towed or have I had to fix at the side of the trail. 16 yrs and still kicking ***!!!
maybe that is why Yamaha doesn't sell as many sleds as BRP..guys are keeping them for mega years because they are still running ok..BRP does volume sales and somehow gets away with people buying new ones all the time because the older ones die.But that adds up to a lot of extra money a person spends for a newer sled that won't make it 3000 miles without a rebuild.Going back to a story my Dealer told me years back.There was a guy who owned a Doo and had to rebuild the motor like 5 times in its life.Well he finally walked into the Yamaha shop and said to the owner that he is fed up with Doo products and switched to a Yami.I thought that was cool.
well my SRX is done another stator so my next sled is the NEW Polaris 800 HO ProX both of my Yamaha's are for sale
I was at a dealership in ME this past weekend and i was asking the mechanic if they stay busy on the weekends. His reply was as long as people buy ski doo's he will always be busy. My buddy called him out because he rides a ski doo and the mechanic said count the sleds around you. There was 8 ski doos in for repairs, only 1 being older then 4 yrs old!!
well my SRX is done another stator so my next sled is the NEW Polaris 800 HO ProX both of my Yamaha's are for sale
my yamaha's are not forsale lol I found the problem and now my srx is up in running again this was my problem


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