Booby traps on trail?!!!

WTF!! What is wrong with people these days??!! People who do something like this should be disposed of. Period.
This happened years ago, I'm pretty sure in the same place (They tie the rope loose, I'm guessing so it won't kill you... just speculating.), but what they were doing was waiting till you hit the trap then run over and stealing your sled. You can't do anything because your usually in pain and miles from no where. The cornwall area is a sketchy area at best.
Thats just messed up, if you were going fast enough it would take your head off. Glad there's none of that around here.
Had something not like this but kind of a trap set up by were I ride a month ago. Two years ago this trail got moved because new owners of the property didn't want snowmobiles going across their fields. No problem there with me, the trail goes around their property now. The new trail goes along two different roads now which are groomed. The groomed trail is still on the road right away so its not on anyones property. One time I went by and noticed the one road was not groomed anymore. I went along to find someone that lived close by with a tractor took scoops out of where the trail was so there was a good 5ft to 7ft drop in the trail. There wasn't just one of these along the road, there was five. Wish I knew who did it so I could turn them in. Someone could get injured not know those are there. People these days are a$$holes I tell ya.
This kind of crap used to happen all the time back in the day....these kind of people deserve nothing more than to be hung by the rope they've strung!
man im glad the others noticed the rope and not be caught by it! thats the last thing i'm looking out for on the trail hoollyy!! just not right!!
yeah ran into a couple of these rope situations back in the late 70.s and early 80's.I was the lead rider going up the river bank and there was a rope strung tight across .Tore it down.Another time my cousin and I were running the smaller river with out Tri-motos and someone strung a rope across the whole river but hanging loose.We tore it down real quick..sick people for sure that do stuff like that.
