SRX running Great Today


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
well guys it has been like a month since I rode the SRX. Been a lot of snow so the long track 600 was the choice then.Today the temps are down to around -16C and the Beast is running quick and fast.She loves the nice crisp cool air.We had a little melt last week and now cold spell.The snow is now hard and the SRX loves it.Crusing down the River averaging 110 on the speedo feels great.Have ice scrathers to help with cooling and the DCS has never been on this season either.Man this sled sure rocks when running good.Good I have 144 pics because of some of the ice in corners I nailed going 80 to 90..A little rough in places but I have the skid set up well now and don't really feel to much.Sled is all back to stock and really feels good.Can't beat the power of the SRX when she is running well,wish I could find some of them 800 Doos around..
Anyways had lunch and going back for more.Next weekend looks like the temps will be slightly above 0,so got to take advantage of this weekend.More snow coming tomorrow and next week.Winter will be into April here for sure.Got to make up for all the lost riding because of a cold Winter.
Good to hear Bluemonster1. My SRX did 117 mph as measured on a Contour GPS helmet cam. I take it that your powervalves are working as they should.
well back from my ride today.I put on 125 miles and only came home because it was on empty.So I checked the tank,stuck a broom handle down to the bottom and when I pulled it out there was nearly 2 inches of fuel in it.So while I was not riding like a granny today,mostly hard on the throttle all day,I am averaging 14 mpg it seems which is insanely incredible.There is well over a gallon of gas left in the tank. My powervalves are working nicely as well as the whole motor.Did a few good hard launches and she wants to rip lifting the ski's with no problem.Actually the DCS flashed once today on a long hard run and that was it ,no more.I do feel that the ski's are really biting a lot on this hard pack so probably slow me down some.I adjusted the transfer rods 3 turns out to help maybe take away some pressure there and seems a tad better.The SRX puts a smile on my face,especially today ,as it ran so well without a hiccup. And the best part is it brought me home again.12 years old and running great.I have a spare set of piston rings here,so thinking of putting them in since I have over 3000 miles on the last set when I did my rebuild.I want to order a stock cylinder gasket as well as I have an aftermarket one in there since the rebuild.I hear they are a little thicker then stock,probably drops my compression a little.And SRX was so comfortable to ride as well with stock skid.I have the Rear spring set at the softer setting,might of bottomed out half dozen times today butso sudden shots to my spin today.Sled was so snappy today it felt like a brand new sled..not kidding.Tommorrow is another day of riding the SRXunless that snow comes in,then I switch to my SXR..
sorry to hear some of you guys have no more snow to ride,we are still good into April I am thinking.
to rough to open it up for a long ways,I hit a few friggin one foot ridges on the river at around 80,one after another and almost got tossed.My left hand almost let go of the bar..was close.If the River was all smooth ice,then I would go for it.Years back I ran the River(bare ice) with out any studs and climbed to about 119 on the speedo,that was cool and dangerous as well as back end was all over the place.With studs that should be an easy 120 plus on bare ice.I am happy doing 110 and rough hard pack snow.Just like the acceleration factor of the SRX.
