8DN00 cylinder on in place of 8DN10


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
Ok before anyone gets panicky all I want to do is put a spare 8DN00 cylinder on my 01 SRX so I can start the sled up and load it onto my trailer when it comes time to store it later on,I'm not going to be trail riding it or anything.This sled is just too heavy to be dragging it around and trying to pull it up the deck of my trailer so I figured I'd throw this cylinder on there so I could power it onto the trailer.This shouldn't screw anything up,right?I know it'll bolt right on and all I'm just wondering about the port timing and all,I mean I'm only going to have the thing running for like 2 minutes,maybe 5 at the most.

If worse comes to worse I could put my cracked 8DN 10 one back on long enough to do it but I'm going to be sending this one away over the summer to be fixed and I don't really want to have to pull the sled out of the trailer and tear the exhaust off and all just to yank the cylinder off.

What about coolant too,can I get away without putting anything in it for the short time it will be running to load it onto the trailer?Will it hurt the water pump or seals in there with nothing in the block?I'm just thinking of having to drain everything again next fall is all.
I think i find a friend and just fight to put it on trailer. Sounds like a lot of extra work just to put on trailer.
I have loaded a dead SRX on a trailer three times this season - two guys - not that tough - seems to me anyways. I did a rope pull thru on one trailer - pulled it right up (doors on both sides of trailer). I was telling my buddy that pulled me out of the woods - heck for $150 - you could bolt a winch to the trailer bed and pull a dead sled right up.
The other day when I blew out my chaincase out on the trail I was about 200 feet from a road. My brother and I put a rope around one ski and draged it by hand up to the road and on to the trailer. Really wasn't too bad with two guys.
I have no shortage of guys that can help load it but I figured when the time come to put it away for the summer I might not be able to round up someone to help and if I had it running I can just pop it out of the shed and up onto the trailer.Plus as far as winching it up I have a clamshell trailer and not much of any place to mount a winch,but believe me I thought of it before when my son and I had to pull that SOB onto the trailer when a piston seize up the first time this winter.Not fun.
