After swapping the carb rack from my 01 SRX,with the bored 35.5mm ones,to my 98,with the 00 electronics,I'm seriously considering having the rack from my 98 bored the same as my 01.Even though the mains are one size bigger across the board it really seemed to like the larger bores,no stumbles or bogs at all.Anybody else running bored carbs with an otherwise stock 98/99 SRX? What jetting are you using?
I had mine bored to 35mm & my sled really woke seems to start better cold & ide with out stalling when cold,befor I had to stay on the gas around 3 to 3500 to keep it alive until it warmed up.but yea what a diffrents.well worth it.befor I wanted a nytro but now it an't going too pull like she dose!!.
What jetting are you using?
I have them on my 99 srx and love it. Starts better and runs great on top end.
the jetting in it is 1 & 2 are 157 & 3 is 160.a well known yammy guru told me to run the 97 700 # -1 cylinder spray bar in all 3 of my carbs.yea amatosrx when my sled hits 8350 it sounds like sum 1 is pulling hair from a banshee & w/ a studed 136 track wow.

Active member
who did bore work for you guys ? 3:16 (yammie tony)
I got my set off a used sled.
the guy that did mine his name is jake.ben riding yammy a long-long time.
What jetting are you using?
sorry i gave u jetting for my big bore & not stock,but it might be close.sorry again
the guy that did mine his name is jake.ben riding yammy a long-long time.
Was that Jake Snider? If it was, he setup Clint Lee SRX 700. That sled would win both IS700 and IS800.
If anyone is interested I have an extra set of bored carbs I may sell. Email me at
Active member
dave very interested, what size. ? 3;16 (yammie tony)
Mopar1rules did a set for my viper. I love um.
Was that Jake Snider? If it was, he setup Clint Lee SRX 700. That sled would win both IS700 and IS800.
yep that's him.
Yeah when I saw your jet numbers it threw me for a loop and then I realized that it must have been for your big bore.
Pro's and Con's of running bored carbs on a stock engine? I've been pondering the thought of boring my carbs, having them Rifle bored actually. I'd like to get a bit more crisp throttle action off idle and better performance over all.
Your going to loose throttle response. The larger the carb opening makes for less vacuum signal. On a stock engine not enough benefit. Spend your money on something else.
New member
Great point brought up here MAC! We have not run bored carbs on our stockers. If I was going to do it though I would oval bore or offset bore the carbs to eliminate the vacuum signal drop at low throttle positions. Throttle response would be maintained and some gains could be expected at top end.
who did bore work for you guys ? 3:16 (yammie tony)
Dan(jabber800) will be boring the carbs, and porting my 95 800 this summer. Great guy to deal with!