Powervalve repair


New member
Feb 22, 2006
Grand Rapids, MI
So, I just caused myself a big issue. I went out last week to clean my powervalves, so I took them out and soaked them in degreaser/cleaner. Well, I ended up getting the flu really bad a day later and completely forgot about the powervalves sitting in the degreaser. I was finally feeling better and I remembered my powervalves were still soaking. They had been there for about a week, the degreaser had started to eat the finish off my powervalves. So, my question is, can they be completely stripped and re-coated to be new again, or do I just need to buy 3 new powervalves?
Mr.Viper can probably coat them for you send him a PM. My powervalves have no coating left and they fun fine if I clean them every season.
On the coating of them, I can get them reanodized but I need a minimum order of 20pcs to do them,right now I dont have any to recoat so I wont be able to do that for you.
What you can do is clean them up and use mothers mag wheel polish on a buffer wheel and make them smooth and shiny and they will work just fine.
