Will this slow me down??


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Fergus, Ontario
My last ride on my srx I could only get it up to 80-85mph. I know it goes faster, it just felt like it was making all kinds of noise but no speed...felt flat. The snow was packing snow and temps were right at the zero mark, could this be why I couldn't go faster??? Thanks guys
Mine was acting funny the other night too. She was really snappy and the rpms jumped right up to 8500 but it just didn't seem like it pulled as hard on top end like it used to.
Mine was running great all season at 85-8600rpms, the last ride last weekend it was 0-+1 degrees out and I just couldn't get the speed for some reason....
I'm pretty sure it was conditions for me, sticky snow, icey spots etc. If it were a PV problem you'd have a problem hitting peak rpms.
usually but not always, some guys have been having pv issues and pulling peak rpm......weird i know

+1 ^^^

I was amazed when I pulled mine apart to clean, I found 2 pull thru's. I never knew riding it, pulled. 8400 in all conditions.

As for your speeds, I'd start with clutching , bearings, track tension. Something is robbing power somewhere.
Well I had rich do my power valves so I don't think it's a pull through, but maybe broken cable. Still don't know, going to pull them out tonight. Track tension is loose, not sure about clutching, belt is 3 yrs old... I've put 4000km on it at least since I've owned the sled....bought it with the yamaha belt that's still in it. All 5 drive bearings were replaced at the start of the year....haven't touched bearings in skid...
A loose track kills top end, and a new belt would help, but to have it hit only 80-85, that's not right. I get worried when I can't clip 90 in 6" of fresh powder. Keep us informed on what you find.

P.S. You can just pull the servo cover to check for broken cables. Also, spin your track when you have it up, should be able to spin it with just one hand.
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You should be able to spin the secondary with the track off the ground fairly easy. How are the plugs looking? Don't forget in those temps you are going to be pig rich.

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Also, check spark plugs. Try a brand new set. Sometimes, it will make spark, but not enough.
Well, I had a feeling the cable snapped. If anybody had their valves done by rich "yamahead" with the SS inserts be sure to check for burs on the slot and in the hole. So, that combined with a really loose track and running really rich...that's why I'm only gettin 80-85 mph.
