pulled the stock weights out of my 2000 sxr, 700, 13,000 miles on it, i thought they were modified for the race pipes that were on it, power inc. tripple pipes and stingers,im now back to stock pipe,and have new weights, stock.i weighed them both, stock were 46.1, and new with stock rivets were 46.7 . stock were worn, and maybe thats why they were lighter?my problem is, im reving 9200 rpm, and loosing power. im trying to lower my rpm to 8300, and i need to know what rivets to use!!!i think the sled will be faster with hevier weights, so that the carb slides are open all the way at a lower rpm.not to mention engine failure.any one know what rivets to use to achieve 8300 rpm with stock weights?8df 00
8df wights stock spring 40-123 51-43 helix green sec 60deg-80 deg
i guess im still confused, i was thinking that if i make the primary weights heavier, it will bring my rpm down.i wanna be at 8300 rpm, and the stock weights will rev to 9200 on any sx.all of my buddies sleds with stock weight over rev up to 9200.does anyone know what weight rivets i need to use to get me at 8300? right now, both rivets are 3.7 grams.
Lifetime Member
i thought that rpm is all in the primary clutch? correct me if im wrong.i need to be at 8350, is that possible to get that rpm just by changing the rivets in the primary weights?i want this thing to pull like a frieght train, can anyone help? please, i wanna smoke my buddies zr 900, lol.
i need to know what rivets in what holes to make this thing faster, and pull harder
Lifetime Member
51/43 Helix, stock weights w/4.5g rivet in 1st hole and 3.1g in tip, 2-3 engagement shims, stock springs, 1 or 2 layers removed from head gasket and 22/40 gearing. Jetting: 142.5 mains
That's straight from the tech section on your sled. And it also states stock is 2.4&3.6 unless I'm reading that wrong.
That's straight from the tech section on your sled. And it also states stock is 2.4&3.6 unless I'm reading that wrong.
can you send me that link please?, and thank you.
Lifetime Member
Post #4 has the link to Turks clutch tuning for that sled.
Lifetime Member
Or did you mean the one that has your stock weight info? Here ya go scroll to bottom and select 2000. Chart/Specs.htm Chart/Specs.htm
Lifetime Member
Here is a short summary on clutch tuning. Clutching Magic.htm Clutching Magic.htm