Has any one used Price Power engine modifications? Was wondering the durability of it and if it was worth looking into. I've been tempted with the sending them my cases and crank for a big bore.
One of my buddy's have a price 1000 in his's just a animal and stone reliable...they do great work
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
excellent! any other opinions? i'm all ears
Is price still in business haven't heard much about them in a while
Yes, I emailed him a few weeks ago and he said to call for any questions.
New member
There's a guy who runs an srx on tar in my area. I don't claim to know a lot about him or his sled other than he has been running the same sled for several years. Anyway, bout a year and half ago I saw him at the local drags with the hood up and walked over to check out his machine. It had a price topend on it. This was August of 2012 and the guy (don't remember his name) said he was there tuning his machine for the Martin, Mi race. That day I watched him run an 8.50 in the quarter. Definitely a strong machine.