Mountain max driveshaft!!!???

A friend of mine close to Saskatoon will have one, he`s parting out a 2000 mtn max. I can`t find his number right now but I`ll stop in at his place tomorrow after work and pm you his name and number after I get it from him
You don't want one out of a 2000 its not as good as one out of a 2001 something to do with shot peening and they do break I have one laying under the bench out of a 2000 that I replaced with the updated one its a lot of work to change one not to mention when they break it can ruin the chain case as well.
This the same between srx, viper, mountain max etc?? Need one for my 01 mountain max. Managed to bugger it up. Let me know if yo have one.

viper is differnt as it uses the digital speedo so the end doesnt have the speedo drive in it, its threaded. Any other model will interchange from the 97-2004 or somewhere around there pro action chassis.
