Looking for someone that may be able to share any info on desigining an expansion chamber for a sled I bought a couple years ago. Although it's not a Yamaha, but a Redline Revolt 800, I'm hoping somebody here might know how, or can point me in the right direction of where to go to build one.
I'm not a big 2 stroke guy, and admittedly don't really know how much science goes into building them, or how much power can be gained/lot by having the wrong one..
For those who may not be very familiar with the Radlines, the chamber that was built for them was very prone to cracking and breaking. The owner before me had one built that instead of curving around the motor, now runs stright down the tunnel under the seat. This has made it impossible to fit the seat on it with out cutting the seat backer and foam out and wrapping the pipe with boiler insulation. One 20 minute ride this year and it still melted a tiny hole in the seat right under my @$$.. Not good Lol
I have seen others who have these sleds and still ride them swap the can (with a little modification) for one from an Arctic Cat 800. Some of the Yamaha 800's look to be similar in shape, but I'm not going to take a chance on how it'll run afterwards and just hack something random onto it.
The engine sits in the sled backwards from other sleds, with a carbs front/exhaust rear arangement. The clutches are also on the right side of the Redlines, and spin in reverse as the sled moves forward. That being said, while sitting on the sled looking at the motor, the exhaust comes out towards the rear, and is supposed to curve around the right side of the motor and exit throught the left side of the tunnel. Mine now just leaves the engine and goes straight for the tunnel. I don't know who made it or if they knew what they were doing or not, and the chamber is too large in diameter to fit under the seat properly, it's obnoxiously loud (in a cool way though!) and I'd like to build something that I KNOW is tuned right and be able to add additional sound control if desired.
Any knowledgeable pipe guys around?? Thanks in advance for any help!!

I'm not a big 2 stroke guy, and admittedly don't really know how much science goes into building them, or how much power can be gained/lot by having the wrong one..
For those who may not be very familiar with the Radlines, the chamber that was built for them was very prone to cracking and breaking. The owner before me had one built that instead of curving around the motor, now runs stright down the tunnel under the seat. This has made it impossible to fit the seat on it with out cutting the seat backer and foam out and wrapping the pipe with boiler insulation. One 20 minute ride this year and it still melted a tiny hole in the seat right under my @$$.. Not good Lol
I have seen others who have these sleds and still ride them swap the can (with a little modification) for one from an Arctic Cat 800. Some of the Yamaha 800's look to be similar in shape, but I'm not going to take a chance on how it'll run afterwards and just hack something random onto it.
The engine sits in the sled backwards from other sleds, with a carbs front/exhaust rear arangement. The clutches are also on the right side of the Redlines, and spin in reverse as the sled moves forward. That being said, while sitting on the sled looking at the motor, the exhaust comes out towards the rear, and is supposed to curve around the right side of the motor and exit throught the left side of the tunnel. Mine now just leaves the engine and goes straight for the tunnel. I don't know who made it or if they knew what they were doing or not, and the chamber is too large in diameter to fit under the seat properly, it's obnoxiously loud (in a cool way though!) and I'd like to build something that I KNOW is tuned right and be able to add additional sound control if desired.
Any knowledgeable pipe guys around?? Thanks in advance for any help!!

I wandered onto this page way beyond my understanding. One of the links is to a forum but it's members only but looks to be pretty tech savvy.
I wandered onto this page way beyond my understanding. One of the links is to a forum but it's members only but looks to be pretty tech savvy.
I found this program that allows the pipe to be perfectly tuned based on engine specs. Only thing is I don't think it allows you to change the way it bends (which is pretty much the whole thing you're trying to achieve lol). http://www.buildandclick.com/html/tuned_pipe.html
Active member
Everything you try would be random other than what other guys are running for a fix on the problem.They could even give you there jetting specs.The straight pipes are not going to work I don't think very well anyway.How does the sled run now?

VIP Member
I do not have a number for this guy, but his name is Shawn Zurn. He & his wife run a race team called GLH Performance in Wisconsin. I don't know if for sure if he can help you, but he is very knowlegable & is a great guy. They race waterX. I have seen some pictures on their facebook page where he has built some custom pipes for their race sleds. http://www.glhperformance.com/