I'm trying to find a way to make my 01 SRX handle better so that my son can ride it with more confidence and have come to the conclusion that I need to try the shim trick to settle down the darting.What I'd like to know from those that have done this is does it make as big a difference in handling as I read about?As in getting rid of most of the darting?
Active member
I did it to both of my sleds....it's well worth it!! I just used a piece of an old slide to make the shims.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
It does eliminate a significant portion of the darting. Have done it to all Yamahas in our garage at one point or another.
New member
I have an easy steer kit on one of my vmax-4's, it is the best handling sled I have driven. Darting is almost non-existent. It is just a piece of hard plastic about 2 inches wide that runs along the bottom of the ski. I drove an apex the other night with kimpex arrows on it and it darts considerably more than my old vmax.
shimming will help but not get rid of all of it. It also increases steering effort. Do yourself a favor and buy a set of tuner skis to put on that sled and flip the front brackets to get the height back.
Or some duallies. Cures all darting.
I am going to try some tuner skis on my new sled though.
I am going to try some tuner skis on my new sled though.
I've been eyeing up a set of tuner skis actually and I'll be doing the front bracket flip this fall when I put my Maxximum Performance long travel shocks under it after I get them revalved.
New member
Where are ya thinking of riding? I'm just north of you.
Well I haven't really planned too many more rides,I'm thinking about heading to Moncton for the car show either today or Sunday so if I do that it will pretty much bring my riding season to a halt.
New member
Apparently there is a ton of snow in Boisetown still. Should be decent riding for another week at least.