I was going through a bunch of old spare parts in my baskets of stuff and spotted a couple of old 8DN00 heads that have the combustion chambers banged up from detonation rendering them not unusable but far from being perfect shape.I was wondering if I took one of these banged up heads and a good 8DN10 head to a machine shop if it would be possible to have the banged up one machined to the specs of the 10?Is it a matter of recutting the combustion chamber in the 00 head to get it to 10 specs or is there more differences than that?I'd like to have a spare 8DN10 head just in case and this would make good use of old parts if I possible.
if they are pitted up in the squishband, the answer is no, there would need to be more material removed to remove the pitting and then the head will yield more compression from the smaller volume. You could rechamber the head to yeild the same volume and clearance but but those 2 heads will be shorter then the good head would.
the dufferance between the 00 head and the 10 head isnt alot, its just the 10 head is a little tighter squish clearance then the early 00 heads, the volume is some what close in the bowl.
in the end youd be cheaper to just buy 2 stock used 8dn10 heads.
the blown up ones are good cores for someone who wants a set of more race type heads as you cut them alot more and remove all the damage and rechamber to suit the fuel used and compression desired.
the dufferance between the 00 head and the 10 head isnt alot, its just the 10 head is a little tighter squish clearance then the early 00 heads, the volume is some what close in the bowl.
in the end youd be cheaper to just buy 2 stock used 8dn10 heads.
the blown up ones are good cores for someone who wants a set of more race type heads as you cut them alot more and remove all the damage and rechamber to suit the fuel used and compression desired.
Good to know,thanks Don.I don't particularly need 2 spare heads I just figured I might be able to recut one to make a spare 10 head.