I just finished stretching my kids 300 enticer to a 121. The skid is from a phazer ll and fits in with very well. The front holes are moved back and down but still are in the stock bracket. The rear mounting brackets were moved back which helped secure the 10" tunnel extention. The rear bumper and snow flap bracket are stock and went in nicely. It is an easy mod and fairly cheap as you can use a used 121" track and a skid from a sled wrecker. The drivers had to be changed to 2.52 pitch square shaft. I also added tunnel protectors and put in 40 studs seeing as the donor track was drilled. I also changed the spindles to the 340 enticer style which make the ski stance 2" wider to make it a little more stable.

VIP Member
Better handling and ride who could not like that ? ! ?
New member
I can't wait to do a 121 on my enticer! All the guys I ride with have modded vintage sleds. One of them being a 440ss with a 540 in it and a 144"! We call it the 540 super slut! Thing goes everywhere...
VIP Member
Sweet! Nice job with the conversion. Where did you get the 2.52 pitch square shaft drivers from? I just bought an '80 ET340 deluxe, and I have a Phazer II skid laying around. Do you have the measurements for the skid mounting holes?
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I got the drivers from royal distributing. The measurements were 8.25" back from the flat of the drive shaft and 5.75" down for the front hole and 38" back from the flat of the drive shaft and down 6.25" for the back hole. I think i moved the holes back a little bit to compensate for the smaller diameter drivers, but it will be fine with those measurements.
VIP Member
Thank you!
Sorry to dig up an old thread
I tried to send you a PM but apparently this site doesn't allow them until you have made 5 posts to the forum.
Do you still have the 300 enticer and are you still in Skead? I would like to do the same with a 340 Enticer.
I am in Sudbury would a appreciate a look at what you did with your 300.
Let me know
Sorry to dig up an old thread
I tried to send you a PM but apparently this site doesn't allow them until you have made 5 posts to the forum.
Do you still have the 300 enticer and are you still in Skead? I would like to do the same with a 340 Enticer.
I am in Sudbury would a appreciate a look at what you did with your 300.
Let me know
Spindles...did you need to do any belly pan cutting, or is it a simple swap?
New member
No belly pan cutting at all...this is a very simple conversion. Oh I wish I still had that sled
Yours double roller chain? Mine is only single.
Active member
Ah OK, if I read it correctly, the spindles are a little eccentric from the mounting plate in the 340 version. The 300s look centric, with identical left and right part numbers.
View attachment 64284
I'm gearing up to do this same mod with my 300.
All ET 250's, 300's and 340 long track sleds used the straight spindles. All ET/Excell 340 standard track sleds used the offset spindles. You also need to change the spring saddle when doing the conversion.
Thanks for the nuggets of wisdom opsled, it's appreciated.