Piped viper cooling mods not sure?

Mark Karabelas

New member
Feb 27, 2014
Reaction score
04 viper s CPR piped squeeked the mag piston with no other mods but pipes
Can u get the spec for the bender head machining or do u got to give them all that
Money ? And an opticool? And I now have mr. Vipers carb specs too
I wanna rebuild this motor with the right mods and gonna spend$ I don't
Want to but need to do what's nessary for it to run pipes gonna do one
Rod and all bear din for sure and what the deal with the srx base gasket
Do all the mods work together or pick one or two I duno
Sorry for rambling just took a couple rips hahaha
Please help with any experiances with mods TY
Oh yah
Yama bond for the crank case????
I would do all the mods to keep that thing cool that's for sure.I put the srx heads,water rail,base gasket and rear cooler on my viper before I even run it.
How many miles before it burned down? I would do a search and read until your eyes bleed.
