VIP Member
Getting ready to put my 01 srx pipes on my 02 viper and remember reading that the 98-99 srx pipes were the only ones that would work,something to do with the slip joint on the newer pipes. Can any one verify this? I have these pipes laying in the sled and waiting for the manifolds I really want to fit these in but figured I would ask before I start cutting things up.
I thought I read some where's that there was some type of mods you had to do to the engine compartment. Again not sure. Have you searched the TY site? I'm sure someone has done it already and posted it.
just search my name and srx piped viper. I had hundreds of hours of trying different combinations. It is the best way to go for piping a viper but does take some time and parts. 01 cdi box is key to this install. only use the viper box for short racing
also concept carbon built one and had some good pictures
A combination of both styles will make a better fit
also concept carbon built one and had some good pictures
A combination of both styles will make a better fit
VIP Member
just search my name and srx piped viper. I had hundreds of hours of trying different combinations. It is the best way to go for piping a viper but does take some time and parts. 01 cdi box is key to this install. only use the viper box for short racing
also concept carbon built one and had some good pictures
A combination of both styles will make a better fit
From all the reading I have done I agree, best way to pipe a viper. I think I have all the parts and also think I have read all the posts about this subject a bunch of times,trying to do my homework ya know.Thanks for all the information.What I couldn't find was what pipes/manifolds actually fit best,I have a set of 01 pipes and manifolds that I want to use but wasn't sure if an earlier year fit better.
Thanks for the input
VIP Member
Except for one thing I think I have this ready to pull cord.
I cant quite figure out where that wire comes and goes.
It looks like its from the bottom left of the srx cdi,but exactly
where to from there,temp gauge? the blue w/red wire coming from
sending unit.Also where does the resistor go is it 300 ohm.
Betheviper/Concept carbon can you help with the specific routing.
Thanks a bunch.
I cant quite figure out where that wire comes and goes.
It looks like its from the bottom left of the srx cdi,but exactly
where to from there,temp gauge? the blue w/red wire coming from
sending unit.Also where does the resistor go is it 300 ohm.
Betheviper/Concept carbon can you help with the specific routing.
Thanks a bunch.
As for wiring I cacan't remember specifics but it did hook to the plug on the cdi, the thing is that the srx temperature sensor on the waterail sent the signal through the cdi, the viper sends it to the dash if I remember right, beleive the resistor was just grounded out on chassis. one of them builds had pics and instructions I followed when I did a similar build with bender pipes. If I remember right when I was doing my homework the earlier srx pipes were a better fit because they were a bit shorter so u didn't have as much trouble making them fit.
VIP Member
Yea I found the pics and such,just cant quite get how it is wired.
I used 01 pipes because thats what I had.Manifold is made and
all is good except this wire.Well haven't started it yet but
optimistic I can get it tuned.
I used 01 pipes because thats what I had.Manifold is made and
all is good except this wire.Well haven't started it yet but
optimistic I can get it tuned.
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heres the link, in this thread it tells you plus i have a post that has the links to the other 2 builds with the information.
heres the link, in this thread it tells you plus i have a post that has the links to the other 2 builds with the information.
u will need to cut the right side belly pan for the pipe ...been there done that

VIP Member
Yea got that done,belly pan is cut,manifold is made and pipes fit,hood fits (kinda) srx carb rack is in and vented to atmosphere.
just need to work on this wire and I think it will be ready to give her a test.
I will check the links Mrviper and get back if I cant quite figure it out.
Thanks all,
just need to work on this wire and I think it will be ready to give her a test.
I will check the links Mrviper and get back if I cant quite figure it out.
Thanks all,
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VIP Member
Read all that a few times.Do I just cut and splice the blue/red wire that is for the temp sensor with another wire and run the new wire to the cdi with
a 330ohm resistor in the new wire to the cdi? Basically three wire ends twisted together.That's the way I understood it but I thought
the temp sensor needed to be bypassed,twisting the wires does not bypass the temp switch it just sends a signal from the temp switch
to the cdi and the gauge. Also really don't understand how this would change the signal to the gauge.
What am I missing guys.
Another thing,I am running srx carbs and haven't tried to plug in my tps, will it not just plug in?
a 330ohm resistor in the new wire to the cdi? Basically three wire ends twisted together.That's the way I understood it but I thought
the temp sensor needed to be bypassed,twisting the wires does not bypass the temp switch it just sends a signal from the temp switch
to the cdi and the gauge. Also really don't understand how this would change the signal to the gauge.
What am I missing guys.
Another thing,I am running srx carbs and haven't tried to plug in my tps, will it not just plug in?
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just run the wire from the box to the resistor and then to ground. It is just Tricking the box into not turning the warning light on. I was told that it used this input for changing timing for warmup but if it did, I found no evidence of it. I tested both ways.
To the answer on the pipes, in cuting and welding them, the older style gave more flexibility having the small ends. If I had both sets of pipes, I would use a combination. The outside lower one being adjustable would have given a better fit.
Make sure you put the srx air blocker on your foot well or your foot is going to burn up.
Too bad all my original stuff was lost on Riches site. I had alot of great testing info on these pipes, slp, jetting, tempaflow, air box temp testing. I will never post tech on others boards again without backing it up to my own computer.
To the answer on the pipes, in cuting and welding them, the older style gave more flexibility having the small ends. If I had both sets of pipes, I would use a combination. The outside lower one being adjustable would have given a better fit.
Make sure you put the srx air blocker on your foot well or your foot is going to burn up.
Too bad all my original stuff was lost on Riches site. I had alot of great testing info on these pipes, slp, jetting, tempaflow, air box temp testing. I will never post tech on others boards again without backing it up to my own computer.
I also didn't see any difference, I tried both ways, tricking it by grounding out with resistor, and also with using the sensor, seemed to run the same either way. U have to do one or the other or else the srx cdi will throw a n error code with nothing hooked to that spot.
VIP Member
Well that's easy enough, thanks a bunch! I was looking at the wiring schematics from both the srx and viper today and it makes sense that the input needs something
due to the fact on the srx temp sensor runs into the cdi, then out of the cdi to the temp light,viper is right from the temp sensor to the temp light.
I found the 01 pipes worked ok,I did spend a fair amount of time making the manifold.I did no welding on the pipes or the can at all.Figuring the angles for the manifold was definitely a challenge. Like you said BTV if I would have had more years of pipes to mix and match maybe would have been even better. I am glad my son bought an srx I used it for reference/measurements, I disassembled my srx and shelved it for spare parts(ruined the tunnel 2 yrs ago).
If I was to do it again I would place the srx jugs on and fit the pipes to the tunnel,then put the viper jugs back on and make the manifold and so forth.
I am not sure what or where the srx air blocker is,where is that thing at,I am sure I didn't save mine will have to dig one up..thanks for letting me know about that.
Thanks again...
due to the fact on the srx temp sensor runs into the cdi, then out of the cdi to the temp light,viper is right from the temp sensor to the temp light.
I found the 01 pipes worked ok,I did spend a fair amount of time making the manifold.I did no welding on the pipes or the can at all.Figuring the angles for the manifold was definitely a challenge. Like you said BTV if I would have had more years of pipes to mix and match maybe would have been even better. I am glad my son bought an srx I used it for reference/measurements, I disassembled my srx and shelved it for spare parts(ruined the tunnel 2 yrs ago).
If I was to do it again I would place the srx jugs on and fit the pipes to the tunnel,then put the viper jugs back on and make the manifold and so forth.
I am not sure what or where the srx air blocker is,where is that thing at,I am sure I didn't save mine will have to dig one up..thanks for letting me know about that.
Thanks again...
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It bolts to the lower part of the footwell, just in front of your tow and matches up to the curve of the belly pan. without it in there, all the heat from three pipes and a muffler now exit under your foot. vipers didn't have this issue as the muffler was so far forward and lots of extra area to absorb the air flow.
I am glad people are still building these. I spent alot of time on mine and it is nice to see others getting to put the knowledge to good use.
how did you handle your cooling?
I am glad people are still building these. I spent alot of time on mine and it is nice to see others getting to put the knowledge to good use.
how did you handle your cooling?
VIP Member
It bolts to the lower part of the footwell, just in front of your tow and matches up to the curve of the belly pan. without it in there, all the heat from three pipes and a muffler now exit under your foot. vipers didn't have this issue as the muffler was so far forward and lots of extra area to absorb the air flow.
I am glad people are still building these. I spent alot of time on mine and it is nice to see others getting to put the knowledge to good use.
how did you handle your cooling?
Last year I added the srx rear cooler,srx base gasket,machined the viper jugs for o-rings and added the srx heads, fabbed an srx water rail.All stuff I already had from my totaled srx.That help push me into this project also.I figured what the heck I have all the parts.
which heads? hopefully your running the 8dn10 head?
also, how is it going, you must have run it by now
also, how is it going, you must have run it by now
VIP Member
which heads? hopefully your running the 8dn10 head?
also, how is it going, you must have run it by now
Yes sir 8dn all my parts came from my 01.
I wish I had it running...I have had little time and when I did I pulled a ripsaw from a ski-doo I am selling and put it under the viper.Couldn't give it away with the sled,97 formula z isn't worth much now days. Now that my suspension is out might as well sturdy up the w arm and install grease fittings and shim everything up.
I have everything with the pipes done I think, wiring and all,hoping to get the rest back together soon.
Thanks for touching base and look for my update soon.
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VIP Member

Now that I think about that I have a dalton 51/39 helix and a HC red spring, Green spring for secondary I think will start at 70? Anyone have a suggestion to get me close on the weights? I am guessing what most are using for a stock srx should be close. I am running stock gearing,1-1/4 ripsaw and probably 185lbs dressed.
I covered the opening in my tunnel with some high temp rubber to keep the snow off the pipe just stitched it in there with zip ties. I will be putting some silver heat tap on the outside of the rubber so its not so ugly. Here are a couple of pics.
Thanks to all for the help with this project so far it has really turned out well. You may notice my hood hits a bit...gotta work on that a little more
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