98 trailing arms


New member
Mar 8, 2012
Reaction score
Steuben, NY
100_3549.jpg100_3548.jpgI just picked up a 98 srx700 parts sled and noticed today that the trailing arms are not straight right up to the spindle but rather they turn in/angle a bit about from 5 inches back. Can anyone tell me which arms these might be and why swap them from stock? I also noticed the whole front end sits lower than normal even tho the shock springs are adjusted about normal. thanks, paul
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X2 on the cheap aftermarket, don't see a stamped letter at all and them being black. Looks like you have something else on there for skis as well. The type of mount can and usually lowers the stance.
Possibly they are bent? I think they should be straight.
Thanks for the responses and help guys. The arms aren't bent and don't have the letter designation that Yamaha uses, so yes, cheap aftermarket. I think I am just going to replace the fugly skis with stockers and sell it as is rather than spend the money to return it to stock. Sled seems to run great, just needs a track which I have, so I hope to sell it this fall and have gas money for the season!
