14.5 clutch rollers in srx. 3:16


Active member
May 30, 2004
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webster n.y.
anybody ever try these in their srx ? stock is 15.6, 14.5 would be more for a race app. because of better belt grip. what you guys find . 3:16 (yammie tony)
I used 14.5 rollers with heelclickers..Turk suggested it to me that it would grip the belt better..seemed to be true.I just never ran studs and the track spinned endlessly..give it a try...
monster i have a primary in my garage a guy gave me that has 14.5 rollers and h/c. totally blow,in apart. looks like bomb went off. i think i will stay put. 3:16 (yammie tony)
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HC warns about running with 14,5 mm rollers. This is because on some clutches, these rollers will allow the heel to touch the sheave. I've run heelclickers with 15mm and 15,6 mm rollers with no issues. You just have to make sure that no washers on the heel touch the rollers during up/downshift, and that the bolt head / and / or nuts (if you use these, not supplied with the kit) don't touch the spider pockets. The HC instructions also say that your clutches must be clean and have absolutely no cracks what so ever.
Riding with an inappropriate helix might also lead to excessive primary/secondary temps. Hope this helps.
care to share starting point yammiegod for 8bu-00. when I got my 2000 it came with them weighing 54.8 hauck orange primary hauck A helix believe 53/48 with hauck silver at 70. this setup just engages hard and threw rooster tails. never really got to try it on wide open due to buying it at the end of the season
sure man afew things first.
1. your weights 8bu-00 are close. 54 grams very dooable for a srx. especially a 2000
2. hauck orange is a good spring, but has a high engagement and works great for racing. i would go with his blue or a yamaha w-w-w
3. i have no idea what that helix is. but its wrong for your set-up. 48 finish will kill your peak rpm. your need to be like in the high 30,s. 50-38, example
4. get the yamaha green dot spring for your secondary, set it at around 70 twist. 3;16 (yammie tony)
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sure man afew things first.
1. your weights 8bu-00 are close. 54 grams very dooable for a srx. especially a 2000
2. hauck orange is a good spring, but has a high engagement and works great for racing. i would go with his blue or a yamaha w-w-w
3. i have no idea what that helix is. but its wrong for your set-up. 48 finish will kill your peak rpm. your need to be like in the high 30,s. 50-38, example
4. get the yamaha green dot spring for your secondary, set it at around 70 twist. 3;16 (yammie tony)

thanks tony
the 14.5 mm rollers only have a problem with h/c weights and then its only certain ones it hits on, depends on the casting and the tolerance. You can use the 15mm or 14.5 mm rollers on any yamaha weight. Using the smaller rollers will change the engaement speed and the shift speed rpm. Youll also find it to be more difficult to hook up the sled traction wise the smaller you go and the shift curve will change alot.

To each his own as you can certainly play with the rollers to fine tune set ups, but I find personally to use the larger rollers gives me a better shift curve from beginning to end with the set ups I use anyways.
yep don, sleds headed in good direction. just recently tighten belt deflection up slightly. huge gains on tar. stay put with rollers 3:16 (yammie tony)
