Spark plugs,where to carry them


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I'm trying to find a place on my 98 SRX to keep my spare plugs other than putting the holders back on the belt guard,I took them off to try and clean up the cluttered look of it.I used to have the holders riveted to the under side of the cab/cowl,whatever you want to call it,on the spot right above the airbox and it seemed like the ideal spot,out of sight.Unfortunately the holders seemed to crowd down into the spot in the airbox where the air in drawn in so I took them off there.Where do you guys keep your spare plug holders?
Trunk wrapped up in a little electrical tape. With staggs, my sleds have never used them. Keep them mostly for other people that my need them.
On the 98 SRX, is there another spot where another tool kit (box)could go?

I've thought about maybe behind the foothold on the right side kind of like the V Max,I believe the tool kit for them is there.I usually keep spare plugs in my handlebar bag but I'm trying to lighten it up too and I usually have both pockets full as it is so putting spare plugs in them is out.
I put another tool box on the kids 99 SX6. The original was in the trunk so the extra one went in front of your right shin where they were on the 97s.
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you could just take the plug holders and pop rivet them to the inside of the plastic trunk pan. then they would be out of the way and stay somewhat dry.
