engine storage


Active member
Dec 26, 2011
Reaction score
Central Wisconsin
Got a different engine for my SRX recently, I plan on keeping the old engine around for a spare, whats the best way to store an engine that might be sitting around for many years?
pour some 2 stroke oil in the cylinders, turn it over a bit, reinstall sparkplugs, pour some 2 stroke oil in the reed area and then tape it off. Spray the whole thing down with wd40 on outside, and put it in a leaf bag and shelf it. Leaf bag is a heavy duty black plastic garbage bag, they sell them at like lowes,home depot, they dont tear easily.
lots of fogging oil in cylinders and crank case, then put rags in intake and exhaust ports then spray it Down with fogging oil. i dont know about the bag thing, i would keep it open and let it breath, but that's just my opinion
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brother stored his in a rubbermaid container coated inside and out with fluid film and rags soaked with same in all holes. every 6 months or so he would turn it over and re-spray it. might have been overkill but the motor was still good when we used it.
