exciter 570 Cylinder Water Jacket Question


New member
Jun 16, 2014
Madison, WI
I noticed that my 89 exciter 570 has a rubber plug in the water jacket on the exhaust side but my 90 exciter 570 does not. Anyone know why?
They both should have them if they have never been apart before. I have heard some guys say to run them and I have others say to not run them. The argument is with out them they cool the exhaust port better yet others say without them it causes cavitation around the exhaust port. I have run them both ways and never had an issue and my sleds are ported and piped. There was a mod that guys would do that had plumbing from the drain plugs in the cases, to a nipple that was put in to the underside of the head where the front coolant hose connects. There were also brass plugs that were inserted to the inside of the inner corners of the cylinder water jacket that redirected the coolant flow. I have a motor like this that was built by RPC. I hope to run it this year.
If you decide to run without the plugs make sure you use the 91-93 base gasket if you are going to use after market gaskets. If you use the older gaskets where the water jackets are not shaped correctly or not there at all, it will leak. Winderosa kit 91-93 EX570 is the next best thing to oem. I always apply a little 1194 when using Winderosa base gaskets. Ive done over a dozen motors this way and never had a leak.
BTW, after 1990, they didnt use the plugs anymore.
