Shimming bushings with aluminum?


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Fergus, Ontario
Man it's been a while since I've been on here, starting to get excited! Kid keeps asking for snow already! Lol. Anyways, I thought in my spare time I would maybe tighten up all the bushings with some shims. Just wondering if thin aluminum will work. I think there was a thread somewhere about shimming bushings in your skid, but can't remember where I saw it. Will shimming work in the ski spindles as well? There's lots of play in mine...also where do I put the shim? Around the metal collar that the bolts slide through, or around the plastic bushings? Thanks guys, appreciate any help as always!
The ones I did, I did it around the outside of the bushing using shim stock from work. Betheviper did the write up and he used metal coffe can for material.
That's the thread I was looking for! Thanks guys! I wish I have thought of the pop can before I went out and spent $15 on a roll of aluminum. Lol oh well, still way cheaper than new bushings! Tightened up the front end last night..
