Does the MPI roller driven clutch cover work with stock Yamaha helix's or does one need to purchase the helix from MPI?
Pretty sure it needs special helixes. I think the MPI clutch is based on the maxx.perf clutch, maybe it's the same thing just with a different name. As far as I know, only lightning pro and hauck take stock helixes.
uses cat style helixes. directly copied from the long out of business maxperf. i had one of the early versions from max and hated it. studs sheared in about 4 rides, no customer support.
if your seriously looking for a roller, i have a hi-tech set up with a large assortment of helixes to go with it i would sell. best part is duane watt is still alive and well and available via phone for all your tuning needs as well as spare parts.
if your seriously looking for a roller, i have a hi-tech set up with a large assortment of helixes to go with it i would sell. best part is duane watt is still alive and well and available via phone for all your tuning needs as well as spare parts.