new firsts with my 2000 srx '' tar'' 3:16


Active member
May 30, 2004
webster n.y.
1.41 60 f.t. 6.47 e.t. in 1/8 102.88 mph. 1/4 e.t. best was 10.49. 121.70 mph. since last year, i added bender cold air kit and power inc pipes. this was done with 160 pound driver. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Good work Tony! We have a couple more things to accomplish on the ice and we will then be joining you in running the tar.
Not on Fbook but I will see you there should be cool, I am waiting for side panles to get here so I can get my max dun and on the track, it is killing me to take it for a rip, its been to long, going to the track this weekend for another
Thats some good times..good job. I ran this weekend and having some tracsion issues and the best i got was 6.80 @ 97.89 mph 60ft was 1.54.
