srx owners,prevent break downs and engine damage


VIP Lifetime Member
Jan 14, 2004
As the srx600 and 700 sleds grow older so does the antifreeze which is often NEVER changed during the sleds life. The sleds becoming older also increase the chances for the o-rings on the heads to become fuzzy/white with corrosion build up.The antifreeze does not have the corrosion resistance it once had,its lost over time/wear.

Since its pre season,I would suggest if you own a srx of any year now that before the season comes around to pull the cylinder heads off of it. Check the condition of the o-rings and drain and flush the cooling system installing new antifreeze mixture in the sled. When the o-rings break down they will allow either a external leak or a internal leak and the engine may still run just fine ,but eventually it will damage it.

Most times when you remove them youll find the white build up and seriously flat o-rings that are becoming brittle, remove the o-ring with a pick and then clean out the grooves and blow out with compressed air. A quick spray of penetrating oil and wipe off cylinder tops. Doesnt hurt to smear a tad of lithium grease on the o-rings before you intall them either,just with your finger.

new o-rings,and 3 little water rail gaskets are cheap compared to a engine rebuild.

the newest srx700 out there is already 12 years old!
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I just use prestone or any coolant designed with use of alum. engines,most all is that way these days. Mix it at 50/50 is good for most applications, a 60/40 mix is also acceptable-60% antifreeze and 40% water. I personally would steer away from dex cool and those types, the good old green stuff is good.
And I'am 50... lol Always noticed how the antifreeze was turning yellow..
MrViper, I blew my 02 srx motor at 11K+ miles last March. Repaired one piston and cylinder,then about 200 miles later lost the lower end and my coolant and ran it a few miles to a point where the blue heads are now purple. : ( I was going to part it out but I am now considerign finding a replacement motor.

Question for you, with overheating my motor this badly, is it likely the top and lower end are useless or not worth gambling with due to the excessive overheating?

Mark, there might be a few things you can reuse but you wouldnt know unless you took it apart and checked the stuff out. possibly the other cylinders,possible piston from those and the heads might be able to be reused,machined straight and then just beadblast the paint and redo them or leave bare. Crank will be junk and the cases will be cracked if the rod went bad, so the bottomend is likely a door stop.

Sounds like it would be a good candidate for a little hotrod project.
