97 VT600A Starter Ring Gear Interchange


New member
Sep 8, 2014
United States
I picked up a 97 VT600A for a great price, sans electric start. I see there's the kit as an option, but cringe at the price. Now, I can find the starter, battery, solenoid, etc for much cheaper individually, bit finding the ring gear that goes on the clutch...$200+

I'm wondering if there are some other cheaper varieties that would fit?

never seen the gear aftermarket yet. i do have one i am keeping as a spare for my dad's sxventure. might have to look for a clutch with it on it still. do not forget that you still need the solenoid and fuse block for the sled. that is where i got caught when i did my et410 last year.
Not a bad idea.

Side question, are all the clutches drilled and tapped for the gear, or is it hit and miss? I've never taken it off yet to look.
