New member
Can someone tell me how i can get rid of my oil pump and just run premix the sled is going to be strictly a radar runing sled what do i remove or bypass to run premix thanx
Can not bypass with out having it gravity feed to crank brgs.
New member
Can i just eliminate it and run oil in my fuel at the proper mixture
I believe there is direct oiling from the pump to specific areas of the crank --- water pump gear (etc) I "think". It has been discussed on here before, do a search...

I went through this last year and questioned everybody who has done it. I ended up making a plate that goes over the oil pump hole with a 1/4" hose fitting in it. I ran a hose up above the water rail and filled it with oil. Supposedly this should get you through a days racing but mine empties out pretty quickly just sitting there. I capped off the fitting on the bottom of the case that is fed from the oil pump and goes to the drive gear cavity but left the connector hose that goes from the cavity to either the 1 or 3 cyl (can't remember off the top of my head) I'm wondering if I should have capped that hose also as that's the only place the oil could be going
the crank bearings on certain throws are lubed by the pump, however you can just use premix in the tank.... but what you should do is just unhook the cable to the oilpump(arm will go back to the idle setting which is very low), then run a hose up from the pump to a small resivoir( (i used a master cylinder resivior off a street bike), put a little bit of oil in it and then loop the hose with a "t" fitting and it will circulate the oil only at a idle feed and still give some to the waterpump shaft bearing and the crank bearings on certain throws, this will last a days of racing no problem. This isnt a big deal (running just premix without doing any other mods to oil system)for a short run motor aka drag 500-660ft but when you start running the engine for more prolonged periods of 1000-1320ft runs and longer, you do need to oil the bearings a bit more and the waterpump shaft bearing.
there is no "big hp gain" by removing the oilpump......... but some guys just want to run premix. If you want the pump off all together you should really open up the feed holes in top of the case, and drill open the 2 blind ones fed by the pump to properly lube the bearings. its not going to blow up but its definitley not feeding a couple the same amount of lube without doing that properly.
premature bearing failure may result with extended use and no lubrication mods for a couple crank bearings and the waterpump shaft bearing, the result after that is well, expensive!
there is no "big hp gain" by removing the oilpump......... but some guys just want to run premix. If you want the pump off all together you should really open up the feed holes in top of the case, and drill open the 2 blind ones fed by the pump to properly lube the bearings. its not going to blow up but its definitley not feeding a couple the same amount of lube without doing that properly.
premature bearing failure may result with extended use and no lubrication mods for a couple crank bearings and the waterpump shaft bearing, the result after that is well, expensive!