weight expert


VIP Lifetime Member
Mar 18, 2012
new york
I took all the rivits out of my 89a-10 and weighed them. they weigh 44.5 with bushing. I see there suppose to be 47.5 empty without the bushing. I don't see anywhere where they were shaved or grinded. was there two sets of them. I know there was 89a-00 but these say 89a-10 on them.
I see what someone did, they made it look like 8dn20's. found a picture and mine are definitely different. can I still use them? thinking now I have to load the middle heavy, not sure looking for a clutch expert for this one, thanks
When I weighed my 8cr weights last winter with sea level calibration they weighed 48.0. The weight is suppose to be 38.09 and the 13.3 and 17.2 rivets don't make 10. Is the bushing not included because it's replaceable? I didn't think it was replaceable.
... Is the bushing not included because it's replaceable? I didn't think it was replaceable.

Yamaha has a listing for the weight with the bushing already installed, as well as the bushing separate from the weight so that you can replace if it wears out.
