A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I had trouble with those as well. I used a puller.

pull the c-clips off behind the wheels and whack the wheels off.Then the bearings are exposed.Take a puller and pop the bearings off easily.I used to try the banging trick before.But didn't feel like pulling the whole shafts out and grease everywhere on me.You will require a good c-clip puller with 90 degree tips to get behind.Then you reverse the procedure to get thinks back in place.
New member
I just did min last night by hitting the end of the rod. I had to hit it extremely hard to get it started. I did it the way Doug doesn't recommend it! Lol ya you do get grease everywhere!
These can be tricky but if done seasonally they become very easy, the bearing is pressed onto the shaft, so it is a "pressed fit" here is what I do. First thread the mounting bolt back into the shaft completely, this eleminates damaging the threads. Next, use a short barrel or long barrel air chissle/hammer. I use the hammer head. the multiple light impacts will create vibration and the shaft will simply walk out from the wheel. If you don't have access to air, use a hammer but be carefull to not hit the wheel, use multiple hits, not excessive but many medium hammer hits. Impact directly onto the flange bolt head. Remember to keep the bolt tight into the shaft to eliminate thread damage. To install the wheel, simply start the wheel, then used a bushing or a socket large enough to go around the shaft to press the bearing/wheel back onto the shaft. Al
I got the wheels off today by removing the snap rings, wheels and then using a bearing puller. The suspension is completely apart the W-Arm is cracked in several places I took it to our welder at work to get gussets welded in. Since its all apart I'm going to sandblast and paint everything.
Active member
I guested mine and ran band iron up the sides. No more cracks for me.
New member
I tried Alswagg's method of the air hammer. The first side I took out the snap ring and wheel, then hit it with the air hammer. The bearing vibrated loose and right up the shaft. The second side I didn't remove the wheel but used it to pull up on while the air hammer did it's job. Again, it came right off. Way better than hammering on the shaft.