SRX W Arm Question


New member
Sep 29, 2010
I have a 1999 SRX 700 which needs a new W arm. I have noticed that Yamaha has a couple different part numbers for their W arms that all look to be close to the same part. I'm wondering what the difference is between them and if the dimensions are all the same. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
All proaction w arms are the same. SL different #'s most likely due to different year sleds. But a w arm from a 98 xt will fit a 2004 viper for example. Just post in wanted adds here and one of the guys will hook you up. Might even find one reinforced.
Would not be a bad idea if u get one to reinforce it before u use it, or some were actually sold reinforced. I know maximum performance used to sell them but they are long gone and good luck finding many of their parts.

I used to break a couple per season, got some reinforced and no more downtime in the middle of season
The brackets for the eye bolts that hold the straps are in different locations for srx and v max sx .I think it do to less travel in the suspension .
