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Looking for a new track for my 02 viper.. what do you guys recommend? Some trail riding mostly just for fun.. pretty sure it is the stock track studed now... whatever I get I wanna stud again. Like the ripsaw but dont wanna change the drivers to stud it.. thanks again.
A 1 inch predator is your best bet. Excels in a variety of conditions. Can stud it and have piece at mind. A 1.25 with studs can get pretty tight.
A couple of bucks
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Are your trails groomed or not?
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kimpex aggressor. had the 1.25" version and loved it. Lasted for years and years and its now on my brothers sx 600.
New member
Trails mostly groomed when I go up to Michigan. . Other than that mostly just a fun sled to have... can you stud a 1.25 and not change the drivers? ? Predator also looks like a good track.. you can studd that right.
New member
Also going to get my shocks rebuilt .. never been done since I bought it in 06. Dosent seem like its not as soft as it used to be
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
If that's the case, a Hacksaw is probably the best 1 inch groomed trail track there is. Other options areTrails mostly groomed
Kimpex Ultimate Traction
Camoplast Predator or Curve.
Kimpex Aggressor (if you can find one)
Trails mostly groomed when I go up to Michigan. . Other than that mostly just a fun sled to have... can you stud a 1.25 and not change the drivers? ? Predator also looks like a good track.. you can studd that right.
Yes you can get away with studding a 1.25in track with stock 9 tooth drives. My dad has a 02 vmax 600 with a 1.25in ripsaw studded and also my 03 viper has a 1.25in ripsaw that is studded also. Both ran good with 121in tracks. You do have to notch the track when you run a 1.25in track since it will rub on the heat exchanger protectors and tunnel protectors. Don't ever I mean ever go with the 1in predator track, it's about the worst track in the world. Both the vmax and viper we have came with them on the sleds. My dads wasn't studded and the sled would be all over the place. Only time that track was worth a bean on his sled was when it was super cold out and the groomed trails were hard as a rock. Even on my viper the track didn't do to good either and it was studded! Going with the 1.25in ripsaw studded was a night and day difference compared to the predator.
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1 inch hacksaw, fully clipped,2ply. I absolutely love it on groomed trails. Not the best off trail but it's not the worst.
kimpex ultimate traction works wonderful i bought 2,setup for 144!!!
New member
1 inch hacksaw, fully clipped,2ply. I absolutely love it on groomed trails. Not the best off trail but it's not the worst.
x2. Great track.
I have a 1" hacksaw studded. Great track. I had a 1.25 ripsaw unstudded before that and it would have been too close for my comfort. You will need to notch the track to clear the front protectors if you go with 1.25 as well.
ice ripper? i liked it when it was on my 05 war but i usually run unstudded ripsaw and have never had any problems.
New member
Thanks guys ill look into the hacksaw for sure.. sounds like a lot of people have had good luck with that.. trackusa the best place to get it ? I like the studs cause we do a lot of river and lake riding around here.
New member
I got mine from a dealer out west on ebay. Fully clipped, was a really good deal. Shop around. Tracks USA has good prices too and they're a sponser.
tracksusa has great deals, its the shipping that gets you. try ebay. then you local dealer
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Another site sponsor with good prices is CB Performance.
Active member
Look on ebay and forums. There are alot of new takeoff tracks (mostly ripsaws and a few hacksaws) . Come stock on a sled and people change them out at the dealer.
AG petro, no wonder I loose holeshots all the time with my 1" studded predator 

is your stock yokohama viper track in decent shape?